Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bugs, Bacteria, Viruses...

ugh...sniffle, sneeze, cough...

feels like an urgent care clinic around here. little guy woke up from his nap yesterday...wailing...fever...miserable. tylenol marginally helpful. poor dude wants to play, but just feels punky.

older "sissy" has pneumonia and is on antibiotics...antibiotics causing GI issues. she is sad that she now has the "diet-er-ee-ahha". she still manages to play, but cries at the drop of a toy, bump of toe nail, if you look at her wrong.

mommy has some sinus gnarliosis which makes her feel like she's been beaten in the head...

daddy wants to hit his head on the wall because it feels better when he stops...

...surely this has got to get better...sniff, sniff...


park it said...

on second thought - keep all the yuckies up there - Sure hope everyone is doing better REAL soon
Love us

Unknown said...

Hang in will get better!!! Love your blog, I've got to get into mine and update it, you have a lot of cool stuff on yours and you are such a great photog! Love to all, Erin S.