Monday, September 17, 2007

Running for A Cause

Sunday was a wonderful day for us. We loaded the kids into the car and headed down to Chicago for a 5K race. Steve's company helped sponsor a race to raise funds for prostate cancer awareness and research, so we signed up to run. Not only was it fun to see many people from his company, but we also ran in support of Steve's older brother Dale. Dale was diagnosed and successfully treated for prostrate cancer and we ran with joy in our hearts.

Steve is a much faster runner than I, but he was hindered by having to push Kate & Sam through Grant Park. (His time was greatly enhanced,however, because Sam decided to WAIL for most of the run.) Steve heard numerous female runners (they must have been Moms) say "Oh, poor baby...look at the poor little guy!" It wasn't that the poor guy had anything wrong with him, "Poor Little Guy" just wanted to get out and play! Steve just kept running faster and faster to off the course. Once out of the stroller, Sam cruised all over like a little politician smiling and charming the crowds. He flashed his dimples, showed off his pearly whites and toddled all over.

Kate was her usual self bouncing all over the place like a pogo stick. She wore her "Greater Chicago Prostate Cancer Run, Walk & Roll" T-shirt with pride. She couldn't get enough of the moonwalk tent and the opportunity to jump off the park benches. Both kids were so exhausted by running around that they were asleep in the car by the time we had left the city and gotten on the interstate to head home.

The day was so enjoyable because it was a change from our daily routine. The most unexpected part of the whole day was finding out that I actually won my age division for female runners. I haven't been able to run much due to injury, so this was like the frosting on the cake!

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