Friday, July 17, 2009

global warming?

An open letter to the global warming people from kate & sam:

Dear globAL WarmIng PeoPle and Mr. Albrrt*Gore:

We R wondering ware globaL waaaarming is? Sammy & I R cold. We want 2 camp Outside. We have 2 griLL ouR foOd inside in July. Can U xplane this to Us.

Frankly, this is not xceptable to US. Daddy was Mad when WE lit the gril in 'da family room. He told us that if We buRN our house down, with Our tent in it, wE wood be hoMeless. And the FIRe would inCrease our carbon footprint.

can U explane this cooling Trend to US? has ELnino blown Global warming aWAY? Our swimming Pool had ICE on it this morning. Xplain that Mr. Gore.

we R hoping SUmmer comes back. We R tired of Making s'mOREs in 'da microwave.

Pleeze looK in 2 this cooling TRrend,


Kate and SAM


park it said...

Dear Family,

I received your letter and can understand your frustration with the recent chain of events that has lead us to this place in history as you are now experiencing. It is of utmost concern that I form a committee and am at present looking for someone to head up this area of the gov't. It is of my humble opinion that Kate be in charge of this branch of the gov't and Sam her go to guy.

This would be an offer you can't refuse.

The first thing you will need to do is pack up your house...put it on a moving van...and stop in Florida. This is a 2-fold solution...henceforth known as operation “Move South”. The first solution is you are closer to DC...(but really is this important...I think not) the second and most important is that you will never have to wake up with ice in your pool. (Now I can't help it if there is an alligator in your pool - but at least no ice….)

You will also now be able to call in your team support from all points in Florida…So go get packing – see you soon.

Your humble servant,


Lynne said...

Love both this post and Carol's comment! Funny stuff. :-)