Saturday, November 15, 2008

kate quotes...

setting: we are driving to Chinese class and Kate is trying to engage me in interesting conversation:

K: Mom?

M: Yes, Kate?

K: Mom, when da people get dressed' go house to house ringing 'da doorbells, they say "Krispy*Kreme?" right?

M: Do you mean "Trick or Treat" Kate?

K; Yah. Sometimes we go get doughnuts. I don't like da trick or treat.


setting: we are all sitting around the supper table and Kate is describing how she would like to decorate her bedroom.

K: Mom, I want a pink rug with Hello*Kitty and lots of princesses all over it. Dat's what I want.

I'll get right on that...

1 comment:

park it said...

So I must share this site...twisted as it is...