Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I love hands. They are one of the most expressive and amazing parts of the human body.

Just before I started my journey into the medical profession, I had a memorable conversation with my Uncle, a physician. I told him I was a little concerned about taking gross anatomy and the dissection of a human body. I have never forgotten his response. He told me to pay special attention to the hands of my cadaver. He asked me to think about what they did as she lived her life. He said think of those hands stroking her children, combing their hair and wiping their tears. Think of all the things they were used for to comfort, guide and create during her life.

It turns out that our cadaver had amazing hands. We were able to expose the tendons, joints and bones to see their exquisite design. Can you imagine what you would not be able to due without those amazing fingers at the end of your arms?

That formed the foundation of my love of hands.

I love to hold my son's hand and feel his chubby grip around my fingers. I love to tickle him with my fingers and see his eyes light up and hear his hearty laugh. I love to stroke his soft crew cut and wonder where that blond hair came from. I love to see him explore the world and figure out how to push buttons, buckle up and cram mac 'n cheese into his mouth.

I love to braid my daughter's fine, straight hair. I love to have the privilege to comfort her and brush away her tears when she is sad. I love to see her jump up and grab the uneven bars or rings with her hands to do another gymnastics "routine".

I love to see them wave to me when I come home. I love the hand prints in the patio stone they made for me. (Thanks Daddy!)

I'm looking forward to seeing how their hands will make a difference in the world.


Laura said...

I don't know if you remember us - we met at Spring Creek last year. (We haven't been in months - attending a church closer to home!) I bookmarked your blog and check in occasionally. That was a cool post and I can't believe how big the kids are getting! Does Kate go to Cricket? Sara started there this year and loved it last week.
Take care,
Laura Manville

Kristin said...

Thanks for the comment! Your pictures are adorable, you have inspired me to try more!