Sunday, September 7, 2008


as we turned the page of the calendar into september, i was a little sad.

...summer was over...

...the leaves would soon turn...

...our schedule would become very busy...

...and my oldest would be starting preschool...she's growing up so fast...

so we went backpack shopping together and she picked out her own backpack. she realized the one she REALLY wanted (Hello*Kitty) was too big, so she went with choice number 2. mommy thought number 2 was a little gawdy, but she LOVED it. so we acquired and she wore it for the next 24 hours.

daddy took her the first day, because i had a meeting at work, but i got to pick her up. she smiled. she sported her backpack with pride and talked all about the neat snack they had (fruity*cheerios). little brother was happy to see "sissy", but missed her, too.

I love these kids...

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