Thursday, July 3, 2008


In case anyone is wondering if Sam has a "condition" that causes his pants to fall down...the answer is yes.

The medical diagnosis is called "Primary Abuttosis" and it was identified at birth (he weighed less than 5 lbs.).

It is an autosomal dominant condition found on the "Y" chromosome (that's the one from the Dad--not the Mom.) There are varying levels of gene expression with this disorder.

Now to breakdown the diagnosis to English..."Primary A-butt-osis"

Primary: Meaning a condition he was born with. Not something he got as a result of another condition...

A: Meaning "without"

-butt-: Meaning "butt" (pretty straightforward.)

-osis: Meaning "a condition of"

Putting it all together:

It is a condition of being born without a butt. Thus, his pants fall down.

Sam seems to have a pretty significant case of primary abuttosis, but it will make him less susceptible to having his butt chewed, worn or worked off by other people in life.

Let's all try to look at the bright side.

(He did ask for suspenders for his birthday...)

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