Thursday, April 3, 2008

The daily routine...

Winter has been dragging on endlessly in the Frozen Tundra. We have just broken the 50 degree mark this week and it's been good for everyone. Since we've been in the duldrums, even meal time is used to entertainment...

Life imitates *Sesame**Street*

Kate is sure that her beak is "just like Big*Bird's".

Sam got the bright idea that he needed to go on "a walk!" So we got on the boots and headed out the door...

We made it about 8 feet before the sidewalk jumped up and grabbed Sam by the boot...his wailing could be heard for miles and the tears streamed down his face..."Uppy!" he sobbed and reached out for me. (this was just an emotional injury, not one red blood cell escaped from his skin.)

Uppy? you want uppy? my understanding was that this was a WALK...not a CARRY.

Distract him, I must distract him...what to do...hmmm.

The solution: a stick. What boy doesn't like a stick?

The tears dried, the sun began to shine brighter and the walk was salvaged.

Just me and my shadow...spring is allegedly in the air...and my sister isn't telling me what to do.

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