Saturday, November 21, 2009

the saga continues

Tonight at the dinner table Kate says to Runner Boy, "Daddy, do you know what I want for Christmas?"

He replied, "What Kate?"

She said, "I want Molly, and a dress, skirt, shirt, pants, shorts and her crown. Yeah, I want her crown."

Runner Boy looked up from from his fruit salad and said, "Well, Kate, I want a fighter jet, an air craft carrier and a tank for Christmas."

She smiled at him and replied, "If you pray really hard, every day, you can have them, too!"


As we said our night time prayers, Kate announced was AGAIN going to pray for Molly. Runner Boy suggested she should also thank God for something, too.

And so it goes, "Dear Jesus, please give me Molly for Christmas, and a dress, skirt, pants, shorts and her crown."

Runner Boy says, "Ah, weren't you going to thank God for something????"

"...and thank you for my house, too."

1 comment:

park it said...

ebay has ALOT of those dolls and their outfits - ....happy shopping - I bet Santa knows just what to bring!