Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Too Much Information...

You know you've been reading too much about medicine when:

1) You have a headache after a stressful day at work, but you're worried that it is:
a) a brain tumor
b) optic neuritis
c) a big hemorrhagic stroke

Correct answer: Stress headached cured by a mocha

2) Your daughter has a cough and you think she has:
a) tuberculosis
b) pneumonia
c) pneumothorax

Correct answer: viral infection (i.e. the common cold-rhinovirus)

3) Your daughter is writhing in pain and telling you her "tummy hurks", you think:
a) she has acute E.coli infection
b) she has a kidney infection
c) she has an intestinal torsion

Correct answer: She is being potty trained and refused to pee for 9 hours and her bladder has a gallon of pee in it.

There's a saying in medicine, "When you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras." I'm now going to take a dose of my own medicine and go back to thinking about bones and stay away from the general stuff.

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